Institute for RDJ Studies ❱ Research
Various States of Undress in Robert Downey Jr Movies
All the movies where Robert Downey Jr has shirtless, nude and/or less than fully clothed scenes
Auto Motives (Shirtless)
He is shirtless during 90% of his screentime in this short film.
Chances Are (Underwear)
He's seen in his boxers at least once (during a PG-rated almost sex scene).
Chaplin (Shirtless)
Very briefly appears shirtless as younger newly famous Chaplin.
Friends and Lovers (Underwear)
He appears in patterned panties during a sex scene with Claudia Schiffer.
Fur (Naked)
He's shown completely naked (both covered in fur and shaved), and has a sex scene with Nicole Kidman after the shaving.
Heart and Souls (Underwear)
Very briefly shown in his tighty whities and a hospital gown (from behind).
Home for the Holidays (Shirtless)
Briefly appears shirtless and in a bathrobe after his father hoses him down.
Hugo Pool / Pool Girl (Shirtless)
For most of his scenes, he is wearing either no shirt or an open shirt. This was also during his heroin-induced 0% body fat phase.
Iron Man (Shirtless)
He is shirtless while Gwyneth Paltrow helps him "replace" his heart, but it's not really him. It's a special effects piece molded out of plastic (so that she can stick her hand inside).
Iron Man 2 (Open shirt)
We see Tony Stark switching out one arc reactor in his chest for another.
Johnny Be Good (Underwear)
Appears in tighty whities during a (comical) jail scene.
The Last Party (Underwear)
He strips down to his boxers in Central Park.
Less Than Zero (Naked)
He is shirtless or in his underwear in several scenes, practically naked during a bizarre drug withdrawal scene.
1969 (Underwear)
During an unintentionally hilarious acid trip, he strips down to his tighty whities.
One Night Stand (Shirtless)
Though he is seen shirtless, it's while his sickly character is in the hospital dying.
The Pick-Up Artist (Shirtless)
There's a brief shower scene and he practices pick-up lines in the mirror before he gets dressed in the morning.
Rented Lips (Underwear)
His character, a porn star, walks around in fishnet underwear very obviously stuffed with toilet paper.
Restoration (Feather)
Runs around with nothing but a feather covering his manhood; later has a shirtless scene in the woods. Both are played for a laugh, not sexiness.
Richard III (Shirtless)
He has a brief sex scene with an inconsequential character, during which he's shirtless.
Sherlock Holmes (Pillow)
He's shown in one scene naked, except for a smartly positioned pillow. He's also ripped and shirtless during a boxing scene.
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (Shirtless)
He winds up shirtless while gunfighting with Moriarty's henchmen.
Short Cuts (Underwear)
He's shown lounging around in his boxers.
The Singing Detective (Underwear)
Although he does have an underwear scene, it's during the part of the movie where his character is still horribly disfigured by a skin disease.
Too Much Sun (Underwear)
The is the one the researchers dubbed the "thong shot" — briefly shown in very tight, skimpy undies.
Tropic Thunder (Naked)
During a very brief establishing scene, his character is standing naked on a balcony, flipping off paparazzi (pixelation).
Tuff Turf (Shirtless)
He plays a drummer and is shirtless while performing with his band.
Two Girls and a Guy (Underwear)
Although he stays clothed for the sometimes NC-17 (depending what version you see) scene, he strips down to tighty whities in an unrelated scene.
Whatever We Do (Bathing Suit)
He is seen lounging around and diving into the pool in a bathing suit.
Wonder Boys (Underwear)
He's wearing only boxers in 2-3 scenes.